Aquaculture Planning Applications

The current licensing and permissions process for establishing new aquaculture operations can appear daunting. To help industry in this respect, Cefas have put together their Regulatory Toolboxes for each type of aquaculture operation. These Toolboxes detail and describe all the necessary licenses and permissions that are required for differing forms of aquaculture in England.

These Regulatory Toolboxes are hosted by Seafish and available:

Licensing & Permissions

Current Applications

Marine Case Management System

The Marine Case Management System is provided by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO). The MMO licence, regulate and plan marine activities in the seas around England and Wales so that they’re carried out in a sustainable way. From their website it is possible to check what activities require a marine licence; make a marine licence application; check the current status of marine licence applications and see what marine licence applications are currently undergoing review and consultation (see MMO public register).

Marine Management Organisation Public Register

Local Authority Planning Consent

Especially where aquaculture is to be carried out onshore, Local Authority Planning Consent may be required. In common with any other planning application, details of planning applications, where required, for land-based or on-shore aquaculture operations can be found as follows:

Local Authority Planning Consent
Last updated: 13 March 2020